
is the new buzz word in the world of business. And rightfully so. Although the impact of non-engagement is huge with larger corporations, it is small business that makes up more than 97% of the Canadian economy, that is hit hardest. 

Employee engagement is an emotional state where employees feel passionate, energetic, and committed to their work. This translates into employees who give their hearts, spirits, minds, and hands to deliver a high level of performance to the organization.   

What areas define “Employee Engagement”?

  • Providing a healthy, happy Culture
  • Reduce conflict at work and home
  • Improve Employee relationships,
  • Promote problem-solving skills
  • Provide Safety and wellbeing
  • Improve overall health both physical and mental wellbeing
  • Enhanced team cooperation and creativity
  • Retaining and attracting the best employees

Currently, statistics show us that an alarming number of disengaged employees are costing organizations not only $$$ but can affect the overall atmosphere.

34% of Employees’ salary is lost due to lack of engagement. 

20% of Employees are actively disengaged.

(Actively disengaged employees in this category may undermine and act out against the company, hampering productivity levels and employee morale – they have literally “checked out”)

57% of Employees are disengaged

They may be at work physically, but not mentally. They are not enthusiastic and do the bare minimum to get by.

13% of Employees are engaged

These employees feel a connection to their workplace, the mission and will go above and beyond to achieve success.

The statistics are staggering! The benefits of implementing a program that increases Engagement will thrive and on the average will:

On average, a fully engaged workforce has:

  • 22% higher profitability
  • 21% higher productivity
  • 10% higher customer engagement
  • Up to 65% lower staff turnover
  • 37% lower absenteeism